The App Dialer provides a revolutionary way to app search! Only a few clicks on a simple T9 keyboard are required to launch any app. This saves time when you need to find and launch apps quickly.
It features:
★ Local app searching by app name or vendor name
★ A Ranking System that lists “most-used” apps in descending order
★ An easy-to-use T9 keyboard
★ Lightning-fast searching
★ A “quick launch” panel in the notifications area
★ Options to uninstall apps, pin icons to the Home screen or get app info
★ Widget
The App Dialer is like a T9 "dialer”.
It searches and launches apps as fast as possible.
Just press on any number-pad button to search for any symbol on it.
App Dialer lets you quickly access applications on your Android device by searching application names or vendor names using a simple T9 keyboard.
It continuously refines search results as you press each of the nine buttons, and improves as it learns from your launch history.
Compare with built-in Google Search.
App Dialer works like Google Search but is much faster and easier.
Google Search uses an old-fashioned Qwerty keyboard, which is annoying when quick searching but App Dialer uses a specially designed T9 keyboard for easy app searching.
What's New
Large pixel perfect icons in app and widget
Dramatically increase speed search in widget
Fixed some app crashes
Widget resizes correctly on some launchers
★ Powerful widget! Launch app even more quickly! From Home screen or even from Lock screen.
Speeded up launch app a bit
Hide AppDialer in system recent apps list
Requires Android
4.0.3 and up
December 7, 2013
Current Version
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